We share the belief that there truly is a language that knows no borders or passports, yet can travel amongst all art forms. It's a language of human connection and communication, a language of movement, as there is movement in everything. Even now as you read this, we are on a moving planet in the middle of space, are we not?
We believe that we all have keys in us and around us, keys to the magical doors of movement. And where there is movement there is life. In this life, we artists usually feel very much alone in the world of creation and communication. But as a team, we at Maria Kong have found one another.
Together we find unique solutions to every problem - whether through passionate argument or the pleasure of agreement - as long as there is an open dialogue.
We are now traveling the world together, sharing our values, our passion and our faith. While researching and developing as a team is valuable, being able to share these values with others is simply priceless.